A89: compiling help


A89: compiling help

After looking over most of the source for stron89 I decided to make my first
game.  Since I am just beginning I am going to make it Tic Tac Toe.  I thought
it would be very easy (even for a beginner) but I can't even compile it(This
is my first attempt at compiling somehting for the 89)..I know all of you are
sick and tired of hearing compiling problems but I just can't figure out what
is wrong...Right now I just want to display simple text on the screen but I am
getting errors...I don't know if something is wrong with my code or i am just
using the compiler wrong or something...anyway here is my code:

     include "tios.h"
     include "util.h"

     xdef _main
     xdef _comment
     xdef _ti89

     jsr util::clr_scr
     move.w #2,-(a7)
     jsr tios::FontSetSys
     add.l #2,a7
     move.w #4,-(a7)
     pea tic(pc)
     move.w #2,-(a7)
     move.w #50,-(a7)
     jsr tios::DrawStrXY
     add.l #10,a7
     jsr util::idle_loop

     dc.b	"Tic Tac Toe",0
     dc.b "Tic Tac Toe".0


and here is the error:
  "Unknown symbol type number $8B"

I am using asm89.bat from plusshell...I aslo tried using makeprgm.bat and it
gave the same error...

What is the difference between these two bat files???

I also tried using the doorsos bat : doors.bat  but i don't know the correct
syntax (i couldn't find it in any docs)

Sorry for flooding the list with another compiling question I know everyones
sick of them!
