[A86] Re: Inverse selecting.


[A86] Re: Inverse selecting.

Thanks a lot for this routine.  I was about to make something like this 
for myself.  Is the ACZ still alive?

Houhou333@aol.com wrote:

> Advanced programmers write their own code. Others use this routine. (there's 
> an example) If only the ACZ was still with us today ;o(
> ;===========================================================
> ; DoMenu -- Bar menu routine
> ; Clears the screen and displays a table driven bar menu
> ;  
> ;      A       CCCC   ZZZZZ
> ;     A A     C          ZZ
> ;    AAAAA    C        ZZ
> ;   A     A    CCCC   ZZZZZ
> ;
> ;   Welcom fellow coder to the routines of the ACZ...
> ; Assembly Coders Zenith is a new group that will further TI
> ; assembly programming on all platforms.  This is the first
> ; released routine from one of their up comming games and it
> ; will not be the last.  Be ready for us, here we come...
> ; CLEM, Dux Gregis, Dave Scheltema, David Phillips, and Jbrett.
> ;
> ;
> ; Coded by: 
> :         David Phillips <electrum@tfs.net> aka Electrum
> ;         David Scheltema <scheltem@aaps.k12.mi.us> aka zoomBlock
> ;
> ; input: HL = menu table
> ; output: chosen table address jumped to
> ;
> ; example table:
> ;  .db 2                ; num entries
> ;  .dw "My menu",0      ; title text (at the top)
> ;  .dw "First thing",0  ; text for each entry
> ;  .dw "Second one",0   ; ...
> ;  .dw Option1          ; pointers (labels) to jump
> ;  .dw Option2          ; to for each entry in menu
> ;
> ; Note: routine must be jumped to!
> ;===========================================================
> DoMenu:
>  push hl                    ; _clrLCD destroys hl
>  call _clrLCD               ; clears the screen
>  pop hl                     ; now restore it
>  ld c,(hl)                  ; get number of entries
>  inc hl                     ; move to menu title text
>  ld de,$0001                ; draw at top, one char right
>  ld (_penCol),de            ; set the small font coords
>  call _vputs                ; print the title text
>  push hl                    ; save pointer
>  ld hl,$fc00                ; point to video ram
>  call DoMenuInv             ; invert the top line
>  pop hl                     ; restore our pointer
>  ld b,c                     ; load num entries for loop
>  ld de,$0729                ; start printing at middle of second line
> DoMenuDTL:
>  ld (_penCol),de            ; set the font coords
>  call _vputs                ; print the menu text
>  ld a,d                     ; get the vertical coord
>  add a,7                    ; move to next line
>  ld d,a                     ; save new coord
>  djnz DoMenuDTL             ; draw all the text
>  push hl                    ; save pointer
>  ld b,1                     ; start menu at first entry
>  call DoMenuInvBar          ; invert it
> DoMenuL:
>  push bc                    ; save entries and current entry
>  call _getky                ; same as GET_KEY
>  pop bc                     ; restore it
>  cp K_UP                    ; did they press up?
>  jr z,DoMenuUp              ; move menu bar up
>  cp K_DOWN                  ; or was it down?
>  jr z,DoMenuDown            ; then move the bar down
>  cp K_SECOND                ; did they hit 2nd?
>  jr z,DoMenuSelect          ; then they want it
>  cp K_ENTER                 ; some people like enter
>  jr z,DoMenuSelect          ; so check it too
>  jr DoMenuL                 ; they're just sitting there, loop again
> DoMenuUp:
>  call DoMenuInvBar          ; invert current selection back to normal
>  dec b                      ; move up
>  jr nz,DoMenuBar            ; if it's zero, we're at the top
>  ld b,c                     ; so move to the bottom
>  jr DoMenuBar               ; handle menu bar
> DoMenuDown:
>  call DoMenuInvBar          ; same as up, go back to normal text
>  ld a,c                     ; get current entry for check
>  cp b                       ; at the bottom?
>  jr z,DoMenuDownT           ; the move to the top
>  inc b                      ; move down
>  jr DoMenuBar               ; handle menu bar
> DoMenuDownT:
>  ld b,1                     ; move to the top
> DoMenuBar:
>  call DoMenuInvBar          ; invert the new selection
>  jr DoMenuL                 ; now it's time to loop
> DoMenuInvBar:
>  push hl                    ; save pointer
>  push bc                    ; save position and entries
>  ld h,b                     ; get position
>  ld l,112                   ; there are 7 lines of 16 bytes each (7*16 = 112)
>  call MUL_HL                ; do the multiply
>  ld de,$fc00                ; we need to add to video memory
>  add hl,de                  ; do the add
>  call DoMenuInv             ; invert the line
>  pop bc                     ; restore position and entries
>  pop hl                     ; restore pointer
>  ret                        ; done inverting
> DoMenuInv:
>  ld b,7*16                  ; each row is 16 bytes wide and text is 7 rows 
> high
> DoMenuIL:
>  ld a,(hl)                  ; get the byte
>  cpl                        ; NOT the byte--flips all the bits
>  ld (hl),a                  ; save the new byte
>  inc hl                     ; next byte
>  djnz DoMenuIL              ; loop for all bytes
>  ret                        ; we're done with the invert loop
> DoMenuSelect:
>  pop hl                     ; restore the pointer
>  ld d,0                     ; clear upper byte
>  ld e,b                     ; load lower byte with current selection
>  dec e                      ; decrease, starting at 0 instead of 1
>  sla e                      ; multiply by 2, pointers are 16-bit (2 bytes)
>  add hl,de                  ; add to get correct address in the jump table
>  ld a,(hl)                  ; get lower byte of pointer
>  inc hl                     ; next byte
>  ld h,(hl)                  ; get upper byte of pointer
>  ld l,a                     ; complete pointer with lower byte
>  jp (hl)                    ; jump to the address from the table--hl, not (hl
> Josh Gentry
> "Real programmers code in pen during math class."
> http://www.freewebz.com/jdgentry

Michael Williams
EMail: spacex@williams-net.org | WWW: http://www.williams-net.org
