[A86] Re: Low Batteries


[A86] Re: Low Batteries

There is a table of all the ascii characters for the fixed font and the
variable width font. Search around ticalc's archive, probably under
miscellaneous programs or maybe under the asm86 info files. Dan Eble wrote a
program to make your own table and point the calculator to it to use it
instead of the regular font.

> leads me to another question:  How does the calc know how to draw the
> characters?  It was my understanding that ROM routines like _puts and the
> like drew strings of characters like it would sprites.  If the calc. can

Actually everything on the calc uses a rom routine, the processor only does
basic adding/subtracting, etc but the calc would be nothing without the rom.
When you use _puts then the rom takes the string of characters and goes
through them one by one and copies the sprite of each character it needs to
put to the screen.

> characters without a ROM routine, why cant programs use it?  If you can
> answer any of these questions, or if you can clear up any misunderstanding
> may have, I would appreciate it.  I might not be looking hard enough in
> ROM, but I dont know.
