Re: A86: problem w/me or compiler


Re: A86: problem w/me or compiler

Could it be that he was trying to jump to a label called reg de?  He may have named his label that, and then not actually made the spot later.  This happens to me a lot lately, since I haven't written but junk in the past few weeks.


In a message dated Thu, 28 Oct 1999 11:25:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Cassady Roop <> writes:

> Are you actually using an instruction 'REG de,' or were you just
> abbreviating 'register'?  If the latter, then I might assume you tried
> something like 'LD hl, de'.  Every once in a while I catch myself
> (actually, the assembler does!) using this nonexistant instruction.  The
> assembler interprets this, because there is no 'LD hl, de' instruction,
> as meaning you want a label called 'de' loaded to hl.  Hope that hit the
> mark...
> Cassady Roop
> > writes:
> > 
>  >  I'm using Assembly studio 86 to create my program but it keeps
> >  calling reg de an undifined label. Please help me fix this. I'm sorry if
>  >  this is obvious.
> >