A86: yet another periodic table program


A86: yet another periodic table program

I am making a periodic table for the 86 (yes, yet another one for a calc
that already has more than ten!).  I am looking for suggestions.  I have
included the following data fields:

at. mass
ionic charge(s)
melting and boiling points (K) at standard pressure

I want to know what else I should include.  Seeing as how I already have
half the table data entered, and all my numbers are compressed, this is
a bad time for changes because I'll have to do some serious messing
around to add things, but it is better now than later...If I get several
responses for the same thing I'll probably add it.  This will be
non-graphical, and it will not have an electron shell diagram as
Elements does; I may add shell info for each element though.  Mainly I'm
optimizing for size as much as I can, aiming for a max of 30 bytes per
element.  My average so far is 23, so I can maybe add one data field

Please send an email to ME (croop@oregontrail.net) NOT the list.

Cassady Roop