A86: [OT] Borland c products


A86: [OT] Borland c products

ok im starting to program C not C++ yet just C. i got "sam's teach yourself C 
in 21 days". It came with Borland C 3.1 not the builder just regular old c
to make a dos prog i have to use the dos compiler and for windoze i use the 
win app.
i checked out the web site and they have a C package it contains the following
bc builder 1.0(for Win 32 progs)
turbo C 4.5 for win16 progs 
and  turbo c 3.0 for dos progs
can any one give me any advice on these.
or can bcb 4.0 make dos progs? i wanna mess around with mode 13h
later Matt c