Re: A86: Re: [OT] A TI compiler - Why not?


Re: A86: Re: [OT] A TI compiler - Why not?

At 15:48 1999-04-28 -0700, you wrote:
>So, I've got an Idea! Why not make a Chip8 compiler/player for the 86?
>Chip8 is a simple enough language so that game wouldn't be bloated, but
>potential ASM programmers, or those who want to make cool games but
>don't have it in them to learn ASM. Chip8 is a simple enough langue so
>that the compiler could be on-calc, and due to it's limited number of
>commands (~50?), the programs made would be simple, but still fast,
>better, and smaller tan basic, although more limited. It would be used
>to make small, grafical games along the line of Pong, Nibbles, and
>things like that. Just my Dos Centavos! (Bustin' out with the Spanish 1

That would be incredible easy as Andreas Ess has made a Chip8 emulator
for Usgard, 85. Porting it should be no problem at all.

Jimmy Mårdell                  "Applications programming is a race between         software engineers, who strive to produce   idiot-proof programs, and the Universe
ICQ #: 14193765                 which strives to produce bigger idiots."

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