Re: A86: Patching Menus


Re: A86: Patching Menus

First you need to check for the mem menu, so load hl or de with ($c210) and
call _cphlde.  Then load a label pointing to the real menu into ($c210).

Samuel P Camp wrote:

> I was trying to patch the memory menu, the one that shows: free memory,
> memory clear, clear entry etc...  I need to load a pointer to my fake
> menu at $C210 right?  Because that's what I did.  But it always showed
> the real menu after I ran the program.
> >You need to load that location with a pointer to a fake menu, like one
> that's
> >somewhere in the sqrt program.  It would help if you could be more
> specific
> >-- which menu are you trying to patch?
> >> I was wondering about the ROM menus on the 86.  After looking at Dux
> >> Gregis' article on menus, I decided to try to patch a ROM menu.  After
> I
> >> invoked the memory menu, I looked at $C210 and found the pointer $BA57
> >> (on the emulator).  I tried to use the KEY program patch with this
> value,
> >> but it didn't work.  I also tried $57BA and again, nothing.  Can
> anyone
> >> help me?
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