Re: A86: a couple questions that have been building up...


Re: A86: a couple questions that have been building up... wrote:

> On Sat, 20 Jun 1998 14:13:51 EDT writes:
> >1. what does "or a" do?  i fully understand the logic operation "or,"
> >i just
> >don't see why inclusive or-ing something with itself would accomplish
> >anything.  does it set the flags?
> flags! yes! it clears the carry flag, and a few others:
> 0*P*00

It does reset the carry flag (useful like this: <or a / sbc hl,de>), but it
will set or reset the sign and zero flag depending on the value in a.  <ld
a,(hl)> doesn't set any flags; <or a> would be a good operation to follow
with.  <and a> does the same thing.
