Re: A86: Displaying OPs


Re: A86: Displaying OPs

On Thu, 11 Jun 1998 12:24:21 -0700 Pat Milheron <>
>The formatting routine formats OP1 into the string to display in the 
>starting @ OP3. I would not have anything in the OP registers other 
>than OP1
>when using Dispop1.

yeah, the first two bytes of op4 are gone, op1 is copied to op5.  op2 is
unharmed, op6 should be ok unless you need like 10 digits of precision
(unless there's something else doing that)


>>Original text
>>From: Filipe Pinto <>, on 6/11/98 6:03 PM:
>>Why doesn't this routine display OP4, OP5 and OP6 correctly
>>	call _OP4TOOP1
>>	call _dispOP1
>>	call _OP5TOOP1
>>	call _dispOP1
>>	call _OP6TOOP1
>>	call _dispOP1
>>	ret
>>thanks in advance

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