A86: small text


A86: small text

Here is a small little usefuly program I made that displays eight
lines of really small text for like taking notes. I will put it on my site
when I get the chance. Thursday, hopefully, I am going to make a CGI that
allows people to add ROM calls and there descriptions into a database. I see
so many cool ROM calls, but I always lose the documentation. My web site
will be the first site with this online ROM database, so stay tuned. I am
also planning on adding some information on getting the rom, I just
transferred it with Rom86 and Commo today, that emulator is so cool! Except
for the fact that my program worked great on the emulator at first, and then
it turned out I did something wrong at first but did not notice until I ran
it on the TI.


Jee, I havent made an asm program in a long time. It's a real pain until you
get the experience down flat. I am going to really have "fun" once I start
messing more with the graphics.

; Author: Matthew Johnson
; E-mail: matt2000@gte.net
; Purpose: Provides a simple mechanism for displaying small built in
;           text files
; How it works: It loads the start of a string table into HL, and loops
;  until every string has been printed. Only 8 lines can be displayed in
; this version.

#include "ti86asm.inc"

.org _asm_exec_ram

 call _clrLCD

 res textwrite, (iy+new_grf_flgs) ; Prevents from writing to graph buffer

 ld a,0
 ld (_penRow),a
 ld a,0
 ld (_penCol),a

 ld hl,String   ; Takes address of the start of the string
      ; table and stores it in HL

 ld b, 8


 call _vputs   ; Show string

 ld a, (_penRow)
 add a, 8   ;Each font is 7 pixels apart, 8 for added space
 ld (_penRow), a

 ld a, 0
 ld (_penCol), a

 djnz Loop     ; Loop until b = 0, b starts off at 8

;Pause, wait for key

 call _getky
 cp $37

 ret z
 jp Keyloop

; Oh, and convert all zeros into the letter O

.db "Z80 Note Taker, version 0.1         ", 0
.db "- Matthew Johnson                   ", 0
.db "                                    ", 0
.db "It stores text in a real small font!", 0
.db "...Useful for formulas during a test", 0
.db "Simply modify these lines and ----> ", 0
.db " ---> recompile it! Matt2OOO@gte.net", 0
.db "------------------------------------", 0

