Re: A86: undeleting and a bunch of stuff on memory


Re: A86: undeleting and a bunch of stuff on memory

At 04:50 PM 10/31/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Grams Family wrote:
>> weird things in the VAT. There's the Ans variable, which makes sense. But
>> there are also two programs called ! and #. One of them seems to be 7 bytes
>> long, and the other seems to be 0 (?) bytes long. I tried renaming one of
>> them to A. It worked fine while the jmv was running, but when I quit, it
>> hung the calc.
>i bet the ! is a factotrial program in asm maybe and # sign is a program that
>does what ever it's supposed to do in math (i am only in alg II honors).  i
>seem to have msiplace the vat for programs now and i can only read part of it
>does it stay in the same place all the time?

No, I think they're related to running asm programs, or something. ! is 0
bytes long. # is 8 bytes long, looks like this:

   adc a,(hl)
   dec h
   djnz $+35	;current offset + 35h
   .db "jmv",$11

renaming this hangs the calc on quitting jmv. So they're not math
functions, a factorial function wouldn't get called on quitting a program.
The VAT just starts at the end of RAM page 7 and works downward in memory.


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