Re: A86: Long Text Routine


Re: A86: Long Text Routine

Grams Family wrote:
> At 03:38 PM 12/23/97 -0600, you wrote:
> >
> >Grams Family wrote:
> >>
> >> That's assembly. It's more powerful, but you pay for it by having to write
> >> more source to do the same thing. The best thing would be if there was a
> >> compiled basic or C for the calc. That way you get the best of both
> >> worlds...dream on!
> >>
> >> --Joshua
> >
> >actually you dont really gain much except more compact routines for
> >programs. basic and c compilers make the programs bloated and way slower
> >than asm programs.
> >
> Well, you get more speed, for one. And you get access to _anything_ on the
> calc, not just what basic limits you to. It's basically just the freedom in
> not having to go through the usual (OS) channels to do things that I like.
> And yeah, compilers do tend to make programs big, but that's not
> _necessary_, a really good c compiler can be pretty close to being as good
> as asm.

well it depends on how fast the code can execute compared to assembly
that im looking at here. it would make more sense to do a c/basic->asm
convertor and then assembling it on a computer so it wouldnt need any
libraries,etc. and wouldnt slow it way down
