Re: A85: Which is better


Re: A85: Which is better

the routine itself probably would not be useful, but how it works
might be.  look in the Solytare source for the function "CardLookUp",
i think.  i uses a set of ordered sprites.  you send it a card in
register a and the sprite is generated from this value.  for number,
0=ace, 1=2, ... 9=10, 10=J, 11=Q, 12=K.  knowing that each one of
these sprites is 5 bytes, you can calculate which sprite i wanted to
use with AddrAceSprite + CardNumber * 5.  this smaller sprite would
then be combined with the suit (done in a similar manner) and the
remaining card sprite (such as all of the empty card space) to get a
full card sprite.  this way i didn't need to use 32 bytes for every
card (that would have been > 1600 bytes just for sprites instead of
the 85 bytes that it used).

-mike pearce

On Sun, 17 May 1998 15:03:52 -0400, you wrote:

>>i have a function that you send it the
>>card number and it creates the card's sprite from sprites of only the
>>numbers and suits.
>>-mike pearce
>can you send me this function so I can get a jump start in writing my
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