A85: DOOMSDAY HORIZONS 85: The OS to end all OS's. (DH85)


A85: DOOMSDAY HORIZONS 85: The OS to end all OS's. (DH85)

Ok guys, this message is in reply to a few of the last messsages posted about the new OS.
My subject line contains my nomination for the name of this new OS:  Doomsday Horizons 85.  I got the Horizons part from a name I was considering for nomination prior to  DorkReMe's message concering the Doomsday Shell.  Brilliant!!  I think you meant it a bit differently than i have in mind for my nomination's explaination, but here it is:   Well, the 85 was dying out as a viable programming platform, as the thread that sparked the OS in the first place was concerned about.  But, it isnt coming to pass just yet, or wont if we get this Os out and good.  But it still ay come soon.  Doomsday is the day that will see the end of the Viablity of the 85 calc.  Right now, it is in the Horizon.  Kind of dumb, but who cares!!
Now, in my responses to some of the posts.
From DorkReMi:
    ZShell support?  Yes.  and Usgard too.   (what do you mean by 
    E2 dynamic access?  Yes.  Like a hard drive but cheaper, and smaller (and
        less writes:(   but it will require that we write some new driver stuff.  This will
        be part of the basis for the OS Kernal.
    Luanch apps from e2?  Yes.  This is the major point of the OS!
From TGaArdvark:
    Expander Blocked into RAM?     Yes.  This is main disk drive theory.  Load disk
        block to RAM, modify it/use it/write it back to disk.  This goes back to the
        Hard Drive likeness of the E2 ( see above).
From DorkReMi:
    E2 harddrive and calc's RAM is like mini-computer RAM?   Absolutley!!!   This
        is, again, the OS's main point.  (!!!!)  With this OS, the 85 will become an
        actual classic type computer, instead of just a microcontroller/calculator.
    No Read Limit.    YES!!  This is good!!  I had HOPED SO!! but wasnt sure if the
        access to it was limited to whatever number of writes or reads.  (the hardware
        guys can be very confusing!)
    You are Definitely ON THE DOT!!!!!
I have some pictures of RAM states that help explain some of the OS's operations.
I will post them when i draw them on the computer. 
P.S.  Whoever drew the block diagram:  Try and post it, so we can anylize and modify them to death.  That is the way programs are designed the best.  WE need them.  Try to get them to under the whateverKB limit.
Jonathan Kaus