Re: A85: Shells and games


Re: A85: Shells and games

 >You can blame Microsoft. I am using their Office 97 which has Outlook
>as the e-mail write/read program. Microsoft in their infinite wisdom
>forces all e-mail into a html syntax and attaches font information.

I am using Outlook Express, and lets you chose wether or not you want your
email in HTML. When i look at the mail have send to the list i do not see
any files attached, so i think you could solve the problem by sending ASCII
emails. (To chose ASCII email select Options from the Tools menu, click on
send and chose Plain Text in Mail sending formats.)

>Believe me, I am more pissed about it than you. For instance, when I
>receive other e-mail I have to check to see if it is font info or
>someone sending me a file. The other thing that really irks me is
>I have to manually insert carriage return or other people using
>older or UNIX readers will get one VERY long line. Some readers will
>cut ALL the characters pas t a certain number :-(

There is a way f setting this in Outlook Express too. After selecting Plain
Text, press the button Settings (in the same window ), in the buttom of the
new window you can select how long lines you want.
>I wish there was some way to do ASCII only text but there is not.

Outlook Express is a small version of Outlook, so if you can do it in
Outlook Express you can probably do it in Outlook too.