Re: LZ: power off


Re: LZ: power off

From: Keith Batten <>
To: ''
Subject: RE: LZ: power off
Date: Wednesday, September 25, 1996 9:57 PM

>just use this routine to turn off yer calc(it will turn back on when you
>press [ON])
>	ld a, 1b
>	out (3), a
>	di
>	halt
>	ei
>	ld a, 1011b
>	out (3), a
>Visit Maximus Productions home page at:

i know about that routine but does anyone know how to use it to turn off
the calculator when the [ON] key is pressed? ive tried but it always messes

-keith batten

Just do a getkey and compare it to see if [on] was pressed.  If the zero
flag is set jump to the power off routine.
