Re: LZ: Help with a routine


Re: LZ: Help with a routine

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Ryan Myers wrote:
> I need to know how to use the BIT opcode... the specific routine requires me
> to test the MSB (first bit) of a byte and branch if it is 1.  Can someone
> please fill me in?
> My thanks,
> Ryan Myers ( )
> "Canthus" on DARKWORLD / Twisted Fate
> C> Warning: REALITY.SYS may be corrupt.  Reboot universe(y/n)?

To use bit, do this:
bit 0, a
this tests bit zero of A, and sets the appropiate flags, sets Z if zero, 
sets NZ if not zero.  

I have seen lots of questions from beginning programmers about z80 
assembly.  To help this and further questions, I have included 
tasmtabs.txt.  This is all of the opcodes identified by TASM(the table 
assembler).  I use it for a good piece of reference. Even if you don't 
use TASM, it's good to look at.  Have fun.

Compliments of:
  Alan Bailey

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The following list shows the acceptable opcode mnemonics  and  their
corresponding   operand  formats for the Z80  version of TASM.   The
following symbols are used in the table:
        SYMBOLIC            DESCRIPTION
        <addr>              Absolute address (16 bits)
        <bit>               Bit address
        <data>              Immediate data (8 bits)
        <data16>            Immediate data (16 bits)
        <disp>              Relative address
        <reg>               Register (A, B, C, D, E, H, or L)
        <rp>                Register pair (BC, DE, HL, or SP)
        <port>              Port (0 - 255)
        <cond>              Condition
                                NZ - not zero
                                Z  - zero
                                NC - not carry
                                C  - carry
                                PO - parity odd
                                PE - parity even
                                P  - positive
                                M  - minus

Any valid TASM expression can appear in the  place  of the   <addr>,
<bit>, <data>, <data16>, or <disp> symbolics.

ADC  A,<data>           Add immediate with carry to accumulator
ADC  A,<reg>            Add register with carry to accumulator
ADC  A,(HL)             Add indirect memory with carry to accumulator
ADC  A,(IX+<disp>)      Add indirect memory with carry to accumulator
ADC  A,(IY+<disp>)      Add indirect memory with carry to accumulator
ADC  HL,<rp>            Add register pair with carry to HL

ADD  A,<data>           Add immediate to accumulator
ADD  A,<reg>            Add register to accumulator
ADD  A,(HL)             Add indirect memory to accumulator
ADD  A,(IX+<disp>)      Add indirect memory to accumulator
ADD  A,(IY+<disp>)      Add indirect memory to accumulator
ADD  HL,<rp>            Add register pair to HL
ADD  IX,<rp>            Add register pair to index register
ADD  IY,<rp>            Add register pair to index register

AND  <data>             And immediate with accumulator
AND  <reg>              And register  with accumulator
AND  (HL)               And memory with accumulator
AND  (IX+<disp>)        And memory with accumulator
AND  (IY+<disp>)        And memory with accumulator

BIT  <bit>,<reg>        Test <bit> in register
BIT  <bit>,(HL)         Test <bit> in indirect memory
BIT  <bit>,(IY+<disp>)  Test <bit> in indirect memory
BIT  <bit>,(IX+<disp>)  Test <bit> in indirect memory
CALL <addr>             Call the routine at <addr>
CALL <cond>,<addr>      Call the routine if <cond> is satisfied

CCF                     Complement carry flag

CP   <data>             Compare immediate data with accumulator
CP   <reg>              Compare register with accumulator
CP   (HL)               Compare indirect memory with accumulator
CP   (IX+<disp>)        Compare indirect memory with accumulator
CP   (IY+<disp>)        Compare indirect memory with accumulator
CPD                     Compare accumulator with memory and
                            decrement address and byte counters
CPDR                    Compare accumulator with memory and
                            decrement address and byte counter,
                            continue until match is found or
                            byte counter is zero

CPI                     Compare accumulator with memory and
                            increment address and byte counters
CPIR                    Compare accumulator with memory and
                            increment address and byte counter,
                            continue until match is found or
                            byte counter is zero
CPL                     Complement the accumulator
DAA                     Decimal adjust accumulator
DEC  <reg>              Decrement register contents
DI                      Disable interrupts
DJNZ <disp>             Decrement reg B and jump relative if zero
EI                      Enable interrupts
EX   AF,AF'             Exchange program status and alt program stat
EX   DE,HL              Exchange DE and HL contents
EX   (SP),HL            Exchange contents of HL and top of stack
EX   (SP),IX            Exchange contents of IX and top of stack
EX   (SP),IY            Exchange contents of IY and top of stack
EXX                     Exchange register pairs and alt reg pairs
HALT                    Program execution stops
IM   0                  Interrupt mode 0
IM   1                  Interrupt mode 1
IM   2                  Interrupt mode 2
IN   A,<port>           Input port to accumulator
INC  <reg>              Increment contents of register
INC  <rp>               Increment contents of register pair
INC  IX                 Increment IX
INC  IY                 Increment IY
INC  (HL)               Increment indirect memory
INC  (IX+<disp>)        Increment indirect memory
INC  (IY+<disp>)        Increment indirect memory
IND                     Input to memory and decrement pointer
INDR                    Input to memory and decrement pointer until
                            byte counter is zero
INI                     Input to memory and increment pointer
INIR                    Input to memory and increment pointer until
                            byte counter is zero
IN   <reg>,(C)          Input to register

JP   <addr>             Jump to location

JP   <cond>,<addr>      Jump to location if condition satisifed
JP   (HL)               Jump to location pointed to by HL
JP   (IX)               Jump to location pointed to by IX
JP   (IY)               Jump to location pointed to by IY

JR   <disp>             Jump relative
JR   C,<disp>           Jump relative if carry is set
JR   NC,<disp>          Jump relative if carry bit is reset
JR   NZ,<disp>          Jump relative if zero flag is reset
JR   Z,<disp>           Jump relative if zero flag is set

LD   A,I                Move interrupt vector contents to accumulator
LD   A,R                Move refresh reg contents to accumulator
LD   A,(<addr>)         Load accumulator indirect from memory
LD   A,(<rp>)           Load accumulator indirect from memory by <rp>
LD   <reg>,<reg>        Load source register to destination register
LD   <rp>,(<addr>)      Load register pair indirect from memory
LD   IX,(<addr>)        Load IX indirect from memory
LD   IY,(<addr>)        Load IY indirect from memory
LD   I,A                Load interrup vector from accumulator
LD   R,A                Load refresh register from accumulator
LD   <reg>,<data>       Load register with immediate data
LD   <rp>,<data16>      Load register pair with immediate data
LD   IX,<data16>        Load  IX  with immediate data
LD   IY,<data16>        Load  IY  with immediate data
LD   <reg>,(HL)         Load register indirect from memory
LD   <reg>,(IX+<disp>)  Load register indirect from memory
LD   <reg>,(IY+<disp>)  Load register indirect from memory
LD   SP,HL              Load contents of HL to stack pointer
LD   SP,IX              Load contents of IX to stack pointer
LD   SP,IY              Load contents of IY to stack pointer
LD   (addr),A           Load contents of A to memory
LD   (<addr>),HL        Load contents of HL to memory
LD   (<addr>),<rp>      Load contents of register pair to memory
LD   (<addr>),IX        Load contents of IX to memory
LD   (<addr>),IY        Load contents of IY to memory
LD   (HL),<data>        Load immediate into indirect memory
LD   (IX+<disp>),<data> Load immediate into indirect memory
LD   (IY+<disp>),<data> Load immediate into indirect memory
LD   (HL),<reg>         Load register  into indirect memory
LD   (IX+<disp>),<reg>  Load register  into indirect memory
LD   (IY+<disp>),<reg>  Load register  into indirect memory
LD   (<rp>),A           Load accumulator into indirect memory
LDD                     Transfer data between memory and decrement
                            destination and source addresses
LDDR                    Transfer data between memory until byte
                            counter is zero, decrement destintation
                            and source addresses
LDI                     Transfer data between memory and increment
                            destination and source addresses
LDIR                    Transfer data between memory until byte
                            counter is zero, increment destination
                            and source addresses
NEG                     Negate contents of accumulator
NOP                     No operation
OR   <data>             Or immediate with accumulator

OR   <reg>              Or register with accumulator
OR   (HL)               Or indirect memory with accumulator
OR   (IX+<disp>)        Or indirect memory with accumulator
OR   (IY+<disp>)        Or indirect memory with accumulator
OUT  (C),<reg>          Output from registor
OUTD                    Output from memory, decrement address
OTDR                    Output from memory, decrement address
                            continue until reg B is zero
OUTI                    Output from memory, increment address
OTIR                    Output from memory, increment address
                            continue until reg B is zero
OUT  <port>,A           Output from accumulator
POP  <rp>               Load register pair from top of stack
POP  IX                 Load IX from top of stack
POP  IY                 Load IY from top of stack
PUSH <rp>               Store resister pair on top of stack
PUSH IX                 Store IX on top of stack
PUSH IY                 Store IY on top of stack
RES  <bit>,<reg>        Reset register bit
RES  <bit>,(HL)         Reset bit at indirect memory location
RES  <bit>,(IX+disp)    Reset bit at indirect memory location
RES  <bit>,(IY+<disp>)  Reset bit at indirect memory location
RET                     Return from subroutine
RET  <cond>             Return from subroutine if condition true
RETI                    Return from interrupt
RETN                    Return from non-maskable interrupt
RL   <reg>              Rotate left through carry register contents
RL   (HL)               Rotate left through carry indirect memory
RL   (IX+<disp>)        Rotate left through carry indirect memory
RL   (IY+<disp>)        Rotate left through carry indirect memory
RLA                     Rotate left through carry accumulator
RLC  <reg>              Rotate left branch  carry register contents
RLC  (HL)               Rotate left branch  carry indirect memory
RLC  (IX+<disp>)        Rotate left branch  carry indirect memory
RLC  (IY+<disp>)        Rotate left branch  carry indirect memory
RLCA                    Rotate left accumulator
RLD                     Rotate one BCD digit left between the
                            accumulator and memory
RR   <reg>              Rotate right through carry register contents
RR   (HL)               Rotate right through carry indirect memory
RR   (IX+<disp>)        Rotate right through carry indirect memory
RR   (IY+<disp>)        Rotate right through carry indirect memory
RRA                     Rotate right through carry accumulator
RRC  <reg>              Rotate right branch  carry register contents
RRC  (HL)               Rotate right branch  carry indirect memory
RRC  (IX+<disp>)        Rotate right branch  carry indirect memory
RRC  (IY+<disp>)        Rotate right branch  carry indirect memory
RRCA                    Rotate right branch  carry accumulator
RRD                     Rotate one BCD digit right between the
                            accumulator and memory
RST                     Restart
SBC  A,<data>           Subtract data            from A with borrow
SBC  A,<reg>            Subtract register        from A with borrow
SBC  A,(HL)             Subtract indirect memory from A with borrow
SBC  A,(IX+<disp>)      Subtract indirect memory from A with borrow
SBC  A,(IY+<disp>)      Subtract indirect memory from A with borrow

SBC  HL,<rp>            Subtract register pair from HL with borrow
SCF                     Set carry flag
SET  <bit>,<reg>        Set register bit
SET  <bit>,(HL)         Set indirect memory bit
SET  <bit>,(IX+<disp>)  Set indirect memory bit
SET  <bit>,(IY+<disp>)  Set indirect memory bit
SLA  <reg>              Shift register left arithmetic
SLA  (HL)               Shift indirect memory left arithmetic
SLA  (IX+<disp>)        Shift indirect memory left arithmetic
SLA  (IY+<disp>)        Shift indirect memory left arithmetic
SRA  <reg>              Shift register right arithmetic
SRA  (HL)               Shift indirect memory right arithmetic
SRA  (IX+<disp>)        Shift indirect memory right arithmetic
SRA  (IY+<disp>)        Shift indirect memory right arithmetic
SRL  <reg>              Shift register right logical
SRL  (HL)               Shift indirect memory right logical
SRL  (IX+<disp>)        Shift indirect memory right logical
SRL  (IY+<disp>)        Shift indirect memory right logical
SUB  <data>             Subtract immediate from accumulator
SUB  <reg>              Subtract register from accumulator
SUB  (HL)               Subtract indirect memory from accumulator
SUB  (IX+<disp>)        Subtract indirect memory from accumulator
SUB  (IY+<disp>)        Subtract indirect memory from accumulator
XOR  <data>             Exclusive or immediate with accumulator
XOR  <reg>              Exclusive or register with accumulator
XOR  (HL)               Exclusive or indirect memory with accumulator
XOR  (IX+<disp>)        Exclusive or indirect memory with accumulator
XOR  (IY+<disp>)        Exclusive or indirect memory with accumulator

