LZ: Re: LZB: Here it is! The RAM/IO Expander v1.0 BETA for the


LZ: Re: LZB: Here it is! The RAM/IO Expander v1.0 BETA for the

Marty Williams wrote:
> Can you send them in, say a zip format as an attachment.  I don't know what
> to do with this?

First, Marty, I'd like to thank you for extending my d/l time by
quopting the whole UUE (part2).  If you don't know how to handle a 3
part UUE file (which, is "a zip format as an attachment",  he attached
the zipped UUE file), wait for it to come out on TICalc.org, if you can
handle clicking a hyperlink from a webpage; and if you can't do that,
here's a nice peice of advice from my friend good Dilbert:

Crush your computer into small chunks, add flour and bake for one hour. 
While your waiting, read the free novel that came with your web
browser.  It's a Spanish story about a guy named "Manual."
Repeat the process until you get the desired result.

[snip of about 50k UUE]

; Max Mansour  // mail : mmansour@gis.net
;             // irc : Justarius
; The Presidents -> http://www.gis.net/~mmansour/
; HP OmniGo 100  -> http://www.gis.net/~mmansour/omnigo/omnigo.html
; ZShell         -> http://www.gis.net/~mmansour/zshell/zshell.html

