Re: LZ: Possibility of RAM Expansion


Re: LZ: Possibility of RAM Expansion

According to Edward Plese, Jr.:
>> I was quite intrigued by Ed Plese's and Per Finander's use of the I2C bus (
>> A data bus format that can operate multiple IC's on a 2-wire bus ) to run
>> the temperature sensor and other I2C-compatible circuits.
>> While ordering the sample temperature chip from National Semiconductor (
>> ) to build Ed's temperature sensor, I also happened to find
>> an available sample for a I2C-compatible EEPROM chip.  I'm personally going
>> to try creating a plug-in memory bank through the link port by using
>> Finander's I2C routines.
>> The chip, in specific, is a NM24C17L 16K-Bit Serial EEPROM with Write
>> Protect and I2C Synchronous 2-Wire Bus support.  However, each bus can only
>> address a maximum of 16K bits, the size of one chip.  If I could do multiple
>> buses using digital or DC switches, that might work... but I'm not sure.
>> If anyone with more experience in I2C ( Finander? ) could help me, this
>> would be a great step in the right direction.  I personally think that using
>> either EEPROM bays with I2C or recording modulated audio is the way to go.
>> The catch with audio, though, is both finding a way to record this without
>> change from player to player, and the writing of such a program.
>I'll help because I also ordered the EEPROM chip.  But, I think that 
>up to 8 of these chips can be hooked up to one bus.  Remember, each 
>chip is 16 Kbits (not Kbytes), so eight of these would make 16Kbytes.

Nope.  I downloaded and went through the PDF datasheet ( 24 pages!!! ) and
it can only address 16Kbits in it's present form.  Unless I read wrong.  If
you ordered the chip ( no big surprise :) ) then you probably saw that NS is
working on a 64KBit chip... maybe it can be replaced when the new chip is
out.  So until I find out I can't really read :) or the 64KBit chip comes
out we're stuck with 2Kbytes.  But I'd do it anyway just to see it done.

>My chip should come in a few days, so I'll let you know if I get it 

I just ordered them a few days ago, so it may be a while here.  Let me know!

Ryan Myers ( )
"Canthus" on DARKWORLD

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