LZ: My first assignment


LZ: My first assignment

Eric Barker (rbarker@polarnet.com)

I have an idea for my first assignment.  I checked the readme file of 
ZTetris and it seems he is going to implement link play in the next 
version (some people suggested I make a link Tetris).  The only problem 
with the game that I want to make is that it would be strictly 2-player 
unless I or someone else would like to make a artificial intelegence 
program down the line.  Here is an outline, let me know what you think 
of it:

The game involves each player with say 5 ships.  Both players will lay 
down mines on a playing field.  That player will then direct their ship 
through the lay of mines (maybe they can see the mines).  When the first 
player has dirrected his ships through the mine field, the other player 
will have to dirrect his ship through the lay of mines without being 
able to see them.  The last player alive (the one who hasn't blown up 
all his ships) wins.  Does this sound like an interesting game, or would 
it take to much thought for most students?