Re: LZ: Ti 85 Crashes?


Re: LZ: Ti 85 Crashes?

I just read this message about taking out the batteries for half an hour
and can top even that. One day I took out my calc. (85 of course) to do my
homework (I had used it earlier that day and it had worked find) but when
I turned the calc. on the cursor did not blink but stayed constant. I
couldn't do anything or even turn the calc. off! I took out the batteries
for several days, tried the calc again to find the same problem. I sent it
to ti, they said nothing was wrong with it and returned it to me and
suddenly it had started to work. What's with that??????

			Will Stokes
*                   Will Stokes		         (                 *
*      	 )  Comment of     *
*      						 (  the times:     *
*              My Personal Homepage		 )                 *
* 	 (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
*						 )                 *
*           The TI-85 Calculator Center		 (  Oxymoron:      *
* (the website I maintain and update very often) ) Power Macintosh *
*	 (                 *
*						 )                 *

On Mon, 25 Nov 1996, A.K.A. TheWiz wrote:

> > 	I am new to zshell and ASM (for Z80).  I am a little confused
> > about Zshell.  Is it in any way possible to make my calculator totally
> > *freeze*? By totally freeze I mean even if I pop out the batteries and the
> > backup battery nothing happens and I cant use my 85 again.
> > 	Thank-you in advanced.  I would really appreciate it.
>   No, it isn't.  In the very worst case, which seldom happens, you will
> need to take out all batteries (& bkup), and leave them out for about half
> an hour.  This will _always_ fix your calc.
>                      /***********************************
>                      *           Daniel Knapp           *
>                      *       FeatherWate Software       *
>                      *     email:     *
>                      *                                  *
>                      *      Whose account this is,      *
>                      *         I think I know.          *
>                      * The sysop is in Berkely, though. *
>                      * She will not see me typing here, *
>                      *        To watch this Mac         *
>                      *          Refuse to go.           *
>                      ***********************************/
