Re: LZ: ZShell 4.0 Anniversary!


Re: LZ: ZShell 4.0 Anniversary!

> WTF are you saying about peoples sig file beening to long. I think they 
> have the right to have there sig file as long as they want it. Why is it 
> that you want them to fallow your standards in there making of there sig 
> file. i think it is because you have a crapy computer and a crapy modem 
> to go along with that, and they both can't support the force and size of 
> a wimpy litte tail file called the 'sig'.
> > 

>         ***************************************************  <-- P | M C Q
>         *** NeW ToPiCS ********* XeeN SoFTWaRe HaS a NeW **  <-- L | A O U
>         *************************GaMe.   Tetris v1.0B *****  <-- E | I M E
>         *** NeW WeB PaGe SooN *http://garfield.leesummit. *  <-- A | L M S
>         *** **********************  <-- S |   E T
>         ***************************************************  <-- E | A N I
>         *** XeeN SoFTWaRe PRoGRaM LiST, THaT aRe RaTeD 1 **  <--   | N T O
>         ****Tetris v1.0 ***********************************  <-- R | Y S N
>         ****FDM v3.0 ********** SEE WEB SITE FOR DETAILS **  <-- E |     S
>         ****Crypt v1.0 final*******************************  <-- A |   O
>         ***********************InFo BaNNeR By: Carl Turner*  <-- D |   R !
>         ***********************cturner@garfield.leesummit.*  <--   |
>         ************************** Pres. of XeeN *  <-- ! |
> Carl Turner
> Soon:
>         `Life is but a child's rhyme,
>          Mostly done in double time.'
>                         mad bogart
>                         /peace
> h/p/a/v

I have to agree with him. You sigfile is over 25 lines long and half of it
is a bunch of *'s.

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