Re: LZ: TI-85 Turbo


Re: LZ: TI-85 Turbo

Look for capacitor C9 (it's to the left of that huge IC and under the
display panel a little).  When you find it, unsolder the capacitor (it's
surface mount and looks like a little rectangular box).  Make sure not to
burn up the board or anything else since I have a problem like that and I
have to resolder a connection between the chip and a resistor with a wire
(since the connection is supposed to be embeded in the board, but if you
burn it off...).  After that's done, just close the cover and run the calc.
 You can do tests on it if you want; my favorite is X sin x where X is 1-6.
 You can do this before unsoldering the connection as a measure for the
norm value.  I did various other tests that confirm the speed as changed
from 3.5 times up to 6 times the speed.  It's really great!  But for the
tetris type games...and turboslo froze my calc b4.  It's up to you.  You
know how a switch works; you can put that in without me telling you how.

"This is the most logical route, Captain"
-= =-

: From:
: To: Zenon
: Subject: Re: LZ: TI-85 Turbo
: Date: November 18, 1996 12:27 PM
: I read the accelerating your TI-85 doc at What modifications 
: would you make to those directions if you didn't want a switch. I don't 
: care to have normal slow speed. If I did, I could use the program turbo 
: slow. All I wasnt to do is turbo my calc. what do I do differently?
: Zach Hughes
