LZ: Lots 'o questions...


LZ: Lots 'o questions...

        I'm fairly new to z-80/zshell/ti-85 assembler programming (i just
learned this morning :))
and i had a few questions:

1. where can i find the list-zshell FAQ? i tried kuai but it seems as though
its gone. :(

2. I know the difference between ROM & RAM but what are the differences in
accessing them?

3. What portions of RAM can i use to store variables and such and are there
allocated portions of RAM that i should not overwrite?

4. is there an assembler to use on the TI-85 itself so I don't have to use a

5. what are pages of memory? and what pupose do they serve?

6. what is the difference between video memory and regular (if there such a
thing) memory

I think thats all for now, I'll probably think of some more questions later.
I think the first answer i'll get back is most likely a "TAKE A COMPUTER SCIENCE
CLASS YOU BLUNDERING FOOL!!" but to tell you the truth i've nver taken a
comp sci
class in my life but im 19 and just starting college next month so please
 bear with my newbie/loser questions...

Thank You,
Joshua Lynch
