[A83] Re: C(++) programming


[A83] Re: C(++) programming

> i would think that "main()" returns an error because the prototype of the
> function is not defined.

No.  If you don't specify a return value, then it defaults to int.  In C,
this is legal to do.  In C++, ANSI forbids declaring a function with no
return type.  It is of course not good programming practice in either case.

> return 0;
>  - returns 0 for completed successfully
>  - if you have error handlers you might want to return something else
>  - this is typically flip flopped for unix systems

What are you talking about?  It is standard for a process to return zero if
no error occured, or a non-zero value indicating an error condition.  Most
libc calls that return a value will return zero if an error occured (malloc
or fopen, for example), instead of a meaningful result.  The actual error
value is stored elsewhere (in errno).
