[A83] Re: Grey scale(and enterlacing, is that the right word for it?)


[A83] Re: Grey scale(and enterlacing, is that the right word for it?)

> grey scale.  This is how i did it:
> 2 buffers, buffer a and buffer b
> i go through and i and buffer a with %10101010 and then 
and buffer b with 
> %01010101 and or them together.
> I then send it out to the port.  Is this anything like we 
were talking about?
It's similar, except for the fact that in your version the 
two buffers have the same weight, so you can use only black-
grey-white instead of black-dark grey-bright grey-white. If 
I remember well, a three-byte mixing mask was used with 
every 3rd bit set, and it was rotated by one bit for every 
refresh, so one of the buffers had each of its pixels 
displayed twice as long on average than those of the other 

