[A83] Re: Outputting hex to a port


[A83] Re: Outputting hex to a port

> I tried that and it gave me these random blobs moving sort of vertically
> with BLODS randomly poping in an d fading.  IT made the guy whose calc I
> borrowed not so happy. It didn't snap out till I yanked the batteries.
> Lucky he keeps everything in arcive.

If calcsys is on it, try this (making sure calcsys is the second option in
the apps menu)
on, apps, 2, 3, 1, >, >, >, ^, mode, 1, alpha, a 

in calcsys if you lose your place, keep hitting clear a few times, then 7 to
get back to the home screen, turn it off then start over. (thinks that I
souldn't have shown any friends how to do this, argh!)

opcodes for 5 lines (2 top, 2 middle, 1 random)
jr -8 (what is the opcode for this?)

Beating it a little more, it does cause dark places that can last for a day
or more (I thought I had permantly done some real harm to it by forgetting to
kill it before quiting and turning it off), before they revert to normal, esp
full screen (1c, 1f, repeat)

James Lancaster 
