Re: A83: TI-83 Plus Squishing


Re: A83: TI-83 Plus Squishing

Making squished TI-83 plus programs is what devpac8x is designed to do.
There is something that has to be done first, though.  Change the .org
UserMem in your program to .org UserMem-2 and add a .db 0bbh, 06dh
immediately following the .org statement.  This is the necessary "header"
for squished programs on the 83 plus.  Also, make sure you are either
using the batch files provided with devpac8x or using TASM with the -b


On Mon, 25 Sep 2000, Hyperbyte wrote:

> Hello,
> on the TI-83 Plus, you can take an ASM Program, and squish it with AsmComp(prgmSOURCE,prgmTARGET).
> However, I would like a way to do so "on the ground", befor I send the file to my calc. (Because I am working on a large program, which the calc might not be able to compress in the end.)
> I already tried Devpac8x, but strangely enough, it doesn't work.
> Please don't come and tell me to program it for a shell (i.e. ION), because it is meant for peaple who can barely run a normal ASM program, and are greatly confused by only mentioning the word shell.
> Any suggestions?
> Peter Martijn Kuipers
