Re: A83: OT: Free DSL


Re: A83: OT: Free DSL

> ADSL stands for Asynchronious (spelled wrong maybe) Digital Subscriber
Line, and it's just a variation of DSL, as is
> g.Lite or whatever it's called. Asynchronious allows for simultaneous
sending and recieving I think? Not too sure about
> that.

Asynchronous is a way of communication.

When a byte is sent synchronous, it waits with sending the next byte until a
"byte received" (Ack) is returned by the reciever. This is most of the time
used in local networks or links, and can get the maximum / 2 (it requires 2
transfers for every transfer) out of the line's speed.

When sending asynchronous, the transmission is timer-based, on both sides
the transfer rate is set to the same value, i.e. 9600, so that means the
device only sends a BIT every 1/9600th second, and it checks if it has to
receive a bit every 1/9600th second. A modem is a typical example of an
asynchronous device. With this, you can get the maximum out of the line's
speed, but you will have to manually determine and set the speed, and if for
some reason the maximum transfer rate decreases then the connection will get
errors and fail.

Both can be simplex, half duplex and full duplex, (a)synchronous has nothing
to do with that.


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