Re: A83: _formreal


Re: A83: _formreal

This isn't required if you use dispop1a??

--- wrote:
> In a message dated 2/22/00 1:32:56 PM US Mountain
> Standard Time, 
> writes:
> > does anyone know what rom call- _formreal  does?
> formreal is a great routine if you are writing math
> programs, or even just 
> need to display a floating point number.  It is
> similar to the str$( ) 
> command in VB or QB.  Formreal takes the value in
> Op1 (the maximum display 
> length of the string is loaded into the accumulator)
> and converts it into a 
> standard zero terminated string that starts at Op3. 
> Here is a brief example.
> ;************************
> ; There should be a number in op1 to display.
> ; This will display a number in large font, at
> cursor location 0,0
>     call _homeup        ;Set the cursor to 0,0
>     ld a,16             ;Display no more than 16
> characters
>     call _formreal      ;Convert Op1 into a string
>     ld hl,op3           ;have hl point to the string
>     call _puts          ;Display the string at
> current cursor location
> ;************************
> I hope that helps,
> Ted


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