A83: and now, carp


A83: and now, carp

    Has anyone tried out the prog I posted? Please try it out and tell
me what you think as programmers. All my friends just say my programs
should just be pathetically easy and have lots of cheats. The idea of a
Casino is to rip people off, not make them rich, but none of my friends
get that. What do you guys think of the program? If you like it then I
must turn my focus to another aspect of the casino, if not I must
consider what you say. Please, just try my program and tell me what you
think! I am relying on it!

P.S. Thought you guys MIGHT care about this, so I'll mention it. This is
my first real program (not just a crappy do-nothing test of a rom-call),
so I do really care about it.

"What, behind the rabbit?"-King Arthur
The Heat Index   Nathang@firstva.com