Re: A83: problem solved


Re: A83: problem solved

>In a message dated 7/15/99 5:58:43 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
><< a different question...
>  >
>  >How can I make a program that uses an external file for it's graphics 
>  >PROG1= prog code
>  >PROG2= sprites and pictures....
>  >
>  >and prog1 takes it's data from prog2..
>  >Any examples ?
>  It isn't to hard to program:
>  -----> PROG1 <-----------------------------------------------
>    call _GRBUFCLR    ; clear the graph buffer
>    ld hl,prog2
>    rst 20h           ; copy 9 bytes from (hl) to (OP1)
>    call _CHKFINDSYM  ; check if file exists on calc
>    ret c             ; not? then return
>    ex de,hl          ; move start of file(=de) to hl
>    inc hl
>    inc hl            ; skip first WORD: file length, hl now contains
>    ld de,PLOTSCREEN  ;   a pointer to the 1 byte of data in PROG2
>    ld bc,5*12        ;   if there are more sprites, just add the offset
>    ldir              ;   of the sprite you want to display to hl
>    jp _GRBUFCPY_V    ; copy 5 lines of gfx to the graph screen and
>                      ; return to the TI-OS
>  prog2: .db 06,"PROG2",0  ; Name of gfxfile
>  -----> END OF PROG1 <----------------------------------------
>  -----> PROG2 <-----------------------------------------------
>  .db $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA
>  .db $55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55
>  .db $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA
>  .db $55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55
>  .db $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA
>  -----> END OF PROG2 <----------------------------------------
>  Send both files to your calc, squish PROG2 and run PROG1 by typing:
>  Send(9prgmPROG1
>  Hope this helps!
>  Grtx,
>  Sebastiaan >>
>I'm assuming in the last line of prog one that 06 = <PROGOBJ> (.equ 05h)?
>Just need a little clarification there, thanx.

No, it isn't 05h... 05h is the data-type for standard TI-programs,
06h is the datatype for protected programs: these can't be edited with the 
program editor...  The program squish automaticly protects (changes 05h to 
06h) the program...



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