Re: A83: Re: Re: Re: Re: Problem with a program


Re: A83: Re: Re: Re: Re: Problem with a program

> But, your loop requires that the value be > 255, which is a major
> disadvantage in most cases.  It is a little bit more efficient, however.
> You save 9 t-states per loop cycle (which is pretty trivial, especially if
> you unroll).

Ah, got me there. Little error in my routine. The DEC/INC/INC-part should be
BEFORE the byte-swap part... So it should be like this:

dec bc    ;preloop-part...
inc b
inc c
ld a,c
ld c,b
ld b,a
Loop:    ;the loop itself...
djnz Loop
dec c
jr nz,Loop

There, now it works like it should work.
And believe me, the speed >rocks< (for a 16-bit loop).


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