A83: Re: call question


A83: Re: call question

You call your FindPixel function, then check to see if it is on or off:

; IN: B,C = X,Y
; OUT: HL = pointer to pixel in video buffer, A = mask

ld bc,(37 << 8)+25        ; check pixel at (37, 25)
call FindPixel            ; get address/mask
and (hl)                  ; test pixel
jr z,pixel_is_off         ; if zero, pixel is off
pixel_is_on:              ; if not, it is on

-----Original Message-----
From: Heydude27@aol.com <Heydude27@aol.com>
To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Saturday, October 24, 1998 11:23 AM
Subject: A83: call question

>Does anyone know how to detect if a pixel is on or off, and how to use it.