Re: A83: Help


Re: A83: Help

i hate hearing this conversation over MACs and PCs, my mail has (as of 
this morning) rose to about 127 e-mails.  I think this conversation is 
very funny because neither one is good.  MACs lack the user friendliness 
that everyone says it has (i know i can't understand it--i hate having 
File Edit View etc.  on the top and me having to find which menu things 
are under).  The PC lacks the speed (i know i want to go faster the 
fastest pentium out there--i have a 486dx2 (don't laugh) 66Mhz and it 
goes faster than my schools' pentium 2 128Mhz processors).  PCs also 
have too many errors, they suck so much d*** it's not even funny, i 
don't know how bill gates could make such a stupid system--anyway.  i 
plan on waiting until MACs totally go under the market so much that i am 
able to buy them out, and then i'll incorporate a new technology (the 
ability to emulate the older MACs will be added), but this tech will be 
a new order of the way CPUs are made (i've already finished 10 commands, 
only 14 more to go--and that's pretty sad when i'm 18 and can make a CPU 
have 28 commands and do the work of 100+ commands on a pentium2 faster).  
after this we will see who will "rule" the world, and another thing, i'm 
not going to seclude myself in my house like that chicken/loser Bill 
Gates has done.

i already know what comments you're going to make how "you're too young, 
you want attention, your cpu is slow if you've actually created one, you 
lie,"  but it's ok if Grant makes an E2 or E3?  a new computer age is 
about to come upon us, and i may even emulate PCs so that top games can 
still be on market and they don't have to change their codes.

features include:
1)  windows--this will be as qbasic has it's windows command, except it 
uses different routines to do it's work (faster loading and unloading 
time).  the windows will have a more 3d effect to it (see number 3).  i 
may rename the product (so i don't get sued) because i'm already making 
it from scratch and having a totally different look (making it 
practically impossible for a lawsuit).
2)  upgrade--the upgrades won't cost you a leg and an arm.  instead of 
being like PCs and paying for the 100 commands and also paying for the 
commands added in, you only have to pay for the added in commands.  for 
example the cpu has currently 24 set commands, for an upgrade to 27 
commands you only pay for the 3 commands.  the cpu that is currently in 
your system stays within the system, and the upgrade is "layered" (the 
cpu has a different shape to it making it easier to plug in).
3)  3d--i have incorporated a quake-like 3d engine with a faster routine 
and also a "portal" routine which is even faster than idsoftware plans 
on producing for quake3.  the "portal" is so that you can see into other 
levels of quake looking through a "mirror" type fixture, but looking 
behind it you see the level you are on (this is idsoftware's upcoming 
"engine").  the actual "portal" engine i am going to use is for the 
windows based system so that each application looks through a "portal" 
to see what's inside.  soon i'll incorporate gloves with a pressure bar 
on it along with 3d goggles so that people can view their documents like 
in that movie with the computer and the helper named "Angel" (i forget 
the name of the movie).  i plan on doing it like that movie.
4)  easy installer--installing programs and applications won't be a 
hassle anymore, no more of those "installshields", no more bluescreen 
faded background asking questions all the place a cd in, the 
program will check if you have it installed, it'll ask you if you want 
it installed and start installing it itself (see 5 for virii info).  the 
program sees for an autoexe file first (for win95 emulation) and then it 
checks for keywords like "install" or "setup" and then it'll browse the 
disk for the actual program if it can't find those 2.  after that the 
program will ask you for the program to run (but this will usually not 
5)  anti-virii--the program will contain levels built in, the 
multi-tasking system is built in also (windows isn't the built in 
feature).  this means that if a file starts deleting or messing with 
other files it will contact you about it and ask for a key confirmation 
that you are positive you want the files messed with.  if you delete a 
file, it is usually sent to the "recycling bin" but now its' name is 
stored in a "temp" file where you can "empty your recycling bin" and 
it'll ask you for confirmation.  this is the only way you can delete 
files.  and for the case of saving over a file, it's simple, the program 
can't have a file open without it having a header file saying that that 
file is used by the program.  (technical jargon)...just say that it 
works, i've done some testing (trying to write virii in my mind) and 
came up with deadend results (meaning the virii didn't work).
6)  unhackable--the cpu is unhackable, the privaledge (spelling?) levels 
of each program don't allow it to read other programs' stuff (meaning no 
"add-ons" allowed unless the company making the add-on gives me the code 
and i'll place extra stuff in it to cross the system).  this doesn't 
mean the cpu is's just for add-ons.  it has a built in 
hex/code/etc. editor that is upgradeable also (but only by me or my 
company--when it's operational), this means that this is the only way to 
view a file in hex, also meaning that you can't disassemble a program if 
it is "sealed" (another new feature).  a "sealed" program is like an 
uninstallable/not read-able at all type feature.  whenever a program 
that is "sealed" is installed in the system the filename is stored in an 
"uninstall" list, in which the user can only delete the file using the 
uninstall program (which is also built in.
7)  flash technology--when i say "built in" i actually mean mostly flash 
technology programming.  the programming cannot be altered whatsoever 
(unless i give it a program to change it which cannot be hacked since my 
priveladge level exceeds even the computers built in 
programming--meaning hackers can't make my program and try and run it, 
it'll produce an error).  the flash technology holds the programming for 
the OS, editor, 3d, interrupts, etc. (gives a priveladge of 1--mine's 
0--the lower the better).
8)  detachable/analysis--after i learn more about electronics i may 
implement this ability.  "what is it?"  well it's actually a precaution, 
if the FLASH technology ever is detached from the motherboard it will 
erase itself so that no analysis "kit" can start reading the information 
on it.  i may even impliment so that a combination must be entered in 
order to gain access to the actual chip.  if i'm successful i may even 
do it for the cpu so that they can't find the password for the flash on 
the cpu without giving the password.  it creates a paradox actually "cpu 
needs pw from flash and flash needs pw from cpu in order for each to 
give each the pw,"  but i'll find a unhackable ability somehow.

safe system--this system will be totally user-friendly, and also be so 
safe you could put your credit card numbers/security codes/etc. and no 
one will ever figure them out (if you put "sealed" on--you can always 
put it on, but taking it off you delete the file--it also can have a 
password to open it if you want).

this is totally off topic, but i'd like some opinions about the "New 
World Order of Computers" if you don't mind.  all the things i have 
mentioned are all my upcoming plans (meaning it hasn't happened yet).  
the only thing i have finished is the RAMchip (which has 4 separate 
buses to it--being able to look up 4 locations simultaneously with no 
conflicts in about 1/4 cycle on write and 1/8 cycle on read) and the CPU 
architecture with 10 commands finished (i've done the cache, ahead 
buffers, registers, etc.).  the commands i've finished are ADD, SUB, 
MUL, DIV, AND, OR, XOR, NOT, SET, CLR.  the other commands i'm doing are 
PUSH, POP, and POPW (the TSTs i count as 1 command).  i've already 
created some of the drivers (startup sequence, multitasking, and some 
slot stuff).  so far the ADD/SUB/MUL/DIV commands all do about 1/8 to 
1/4 clock cycle (which is pretty good compared to 3 of the PCs).  i did 
this because changing the values of the registers trigger an automatic 
calculator that will do the arithmetic and store the answer in "dummy" 
registers (these will need at least 1 to 3 clock cycles after changing 
the registers, but other than that it's usually 1/8 to 1/4 for just 
reading the "dummy" registers).

anybody want to help (experience in electronics at least 1/2 year)?

ICQ:9188921 "No Sol to kill"

p.s.  i type in mostly lowercase because it's faster for me to type that 
way.  other than that, make fun of me all you want.

{{Why not? it's funny to watch them bitch (pardon my french).
Oh by the way
IBM PC'c will one day rule the earth..
-----Original Message-----
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, 14 April 1998 16:08
Subject: Re: A83: Help

>This shit Pisses me off, we nead not talk about that heare, it is realy
>anoying to people who have a mail Quota and are unable to get help 
>this shit!!!
>> SGIs are better than Alphas...  :)
> >>Ahhh, the Amiga.  One of the better computers out there.  I love 
> >>Unfortunately, I don't own one, but I at least own a compatible 
> >>ATARI 520ST (ring any bells?).  NEwayze, I don't mean to get off of
> >>(and I hope nobody holds me against my opinions on Amiga's-lets NOT 
> >>in ANY PC-AMIGA-MAC wars, PLEASE!), but does NE1 have an Amiga that
> >>they're interested in selling?  (C8:
> >>
> >>                -Dimitri}}

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