Re: A83: Variables in Strings?


Re: A83: Variables in Strings?

Here is what I came up with:

#define Testvar	8265

ld	a,5
ld	(Testvar),a
ld	hl,Text
add	hl,16
ld	a,(Testvar)
ld	(hl),a
ld	hl,Text
ld	hl,10*256+5
ld	(pencol),hl
call	_vputs

Hope this helps.

Text:  .db "The test var is      ",0

> Okay.  I know that you can print a string by defining the string:
> string:
>      .db "This is a string",0
> and then printing it w/ either penrow/pencol or currow/curcol.  But 
> can you use the string with a variable, e.g.
> #define TestVar 8265h
> ld a,5
> ld TestVar,a
> ld hl,10*256+5
> ld (pencol),hl
> ld hl,string
> string:
>      .db "TestVar equals: "TestVar,0
> Output would be:
> TestVar equals: 5
> And if you can do this, how?
> Jonathan Wang
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>                                 - Mark Twain

|Robert M. Gardner          | Turbo C++ Programmer          |
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