Re: A82: Re: your mail


Re: A82: Re: your mail

At 12:14 AM 11/19/97 EST, you wrote:
>one idea could be where its not on the prgm menu but you run the asm
>programs they way you do regular ones

I was running programs compiled this way and something seems to happen that
messes with the displaying of numbers (i.e. D_HL_DECI doesn't want to work
right) stored in the TEXT_MEM.  So, I don't run programs for ASH 3.0 that
way anymore.  Running under ASH they worked fine, but running them directly
from the TI-OS (i.e. running prgmABCD instead of prgmASH and then ABCD from
ASH) seemed to bring up the problems I described.

                 Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"

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