Re_ A82: Assembly programmers? where?


Re_ A82: Assembly programmers? where?

If you want to use interrupts you first have to set up an interrupt tabel,
and an interrupt handler. This is done in IntTest82 and GreyLib, since the
source is available just have a look at it and see how it is done. The
interrupt handler would then have to check wether the right key
combination had been pressed and if it had execute the function you wanted
to implement. If you wanted a screen saver you could make your interrupt
handler look at the variable which handles APD, and if it reached a
certain number you could execute the screen saver. 

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: 15. november 1997 02:40
Subject: Re: A82: Assembly programmers? where?

>Thomas, did you use ints whith game wizard, how would I use them if I
>to make a screen saver or something that would keep an asm game from
>and help find errors. 


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