Re: A82: Thanx.


Re: A82: Thanx.

At 11:11 AM 7/9/97 -0400, you wrote:
>However this code doesn't (for some reason or other) let the little watch
>battery control the memory (It'd have to let ASH slip back into memory
>instead of stay running) so DON'T CHANGE ANY BATTERIES or you'll LOSE THE
>MEMORY! ENTIRELY! If this makes you very uncomfortable, you could change
>the "CALL $7EA" to "CALL $05C5" but when you turn the calc back on, ASH
>will be exited and you can't start ASH or do anything without pushing
>[2nd][Mode] several times. (Lots of little squares appear before this, and
>everything you do becomes a DIM MISMATCH ERROR)

To avoid that crash after call $05C5, just press 2nd UP once, 2nd DOWN
once, then press 2nd MODE once, the screen will clear and then you can run
any program again (including ASH).  This is what happens sometimes with
OShell progs.  If you transfer the same program twice, it sometimes just
shuts off the display and does the same effect as call $05C5.

Thomas J. Hruska

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