Re: A82: Hmm


Re: A82: Hmm

At 09:35 PM 12/16/97 +0100, you wrote:
>At 15:24 1997-12-16 -0500, you wrote:
>>>XOR ECX,ECX     ; 1/2 If needed (if ECX is already 0 obviously delete)
>>>MOV EBX,Y       ; 1/2 If needed
>>>MOV EAX,X       ; 1/2 If needed
>>>MOV DL,COLOR    ; 1/2 If needed
>>>MOV CH,BL       ; 1
>>>SHL EBX,6       ; 1
>>>ADD ECX,EBX     ; 2 (EBX modified prev. instruction)
>>What language is this exactly?
>Intel machine code.

You mean, 32-bit Intel machine code (32-bit uncompiled ASM program section
that appears to plot a single pixel).  I can understand some of what you
are doing there (a little bit since I don't have much knowledge in Intel
ASM) and you are using 3 32-bit registers.  So, in order to compile this,
you must have a 32-bit assembler (like TASM 5.0)...which I don't have and
the guy who originally started this thread probably doesn't have either.
So, that's why I used C to help him on his way.

                 Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"

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