Re: A82: ASH questions


Re: A82: ASH questions

At 11:59 PM 8/29/97 -0400, you wrote:
>HELP!  Re-writing Game Wizard (actually its just translating it to the 82
>but feels like I'm re-writing everything) for ASH v3.0 is a pain in the
>neck.  Right now, I need some inside info. on ASH and it seems that Dines
>Justesen is on vacation or something.
>Here are my questions that need to be answered about ASH.  If any other
>shell is similar to ASH v3.0, you could be of great help to me.
>1) Does ASH EVER use the APD buffer (besides an actual APD)?

I do not believe so, you're talking about $8228 right? (I don't see
anything it could be used for, but in light of the problems I encountered
with my WINDOW vars when using $8581, I have converted almost all of my
games so that they use the APD_BUF rather than $8581)

>2) If I create an interrupt table in the APD, starting at $8300, where
>should it end ($8401 or $8402)?

[no comment here, interrupts are not my forte]

>3) How, and where, does ASH move programs once they finish running?

Does it not just swap the data at START_ADDR with the program you want to
run and then swap it back? Variables defined at the end of your prog can be
changed by the program and remain that way (unlike the ti-83 form of

>So far, I've got all of my interrupt routine confined to the APD buffer
>(different from Game Wizard v1.0 which uses the Graph_Mem and the APD).  A
>really weird thing is that I can load Game Wizard, exit to ASH, but when I
>press the [ON]+[.] keys it sometimes crashes.  This only happened once, but
>it still is strange.  I'm trying to get Game Wizard to work with Spaze
>Invaders, but it crashes every time I run it...maybe it uses the APD for
>some variables.  TIA for any suggestions you may have.

Spaze Invaders uses almost every bit of both the APD_BUF and the graph mem
at $8581 (there were troubles with this, check your window vars after using
all 768 bytes at $8581 on a ROM 18, but I dunno) to make that neat effect
at the beginning (and the end...but you'll see when you get there :)  Too
bad for all the would-be cheaters, eh? ;)


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