A82: Calls and OP(X) + FP number stuff...


A82: Calls and OP(X) + FP number stuff...

1.)I was looking at the TI-82 guide to ROM Calls and I was wondering 
how to call them.  Here is an example:

CALL 37E8 (152A2) -- Display char A using small font

Do I do a ROM_CALL (37E8)??

2.)Can someone please explain to me how I can use OP1-OP6 to do some 
math operations. How to store and recall/display stuff to/from them.

3.)Can someone also explain the FP stack and what the tables are that 
are built into the calc.

4.)What operations destroy the GRAPH_MEM(2) and TEXT_MEM.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Follow-Ups: References: