Re: A82: Re: Not to be mean, but...


Re: A82: Re: Not to be mean, but...

A lot of people has been writing to this list about certain rom calls
which Ash does not support. Ash does support these rom calls, Ash actually
supports all rom calls Oshell does and a lor more.

The two calls people normally talk about is _getkey and grbufwr (or
something like that). _getkey is included in ti82.h and is called
KEY_HAND. The other function is not included in ti82.h, but it can be used
without any problems (as almost all the calls on page 0 can).

The way Ash makes rom calls makes it possible to use almost all the calls
on page 0, and this includes these two functions. If you in 82-ROM (or
anywhere else)  find a function you needyou can most likely use it. So to
use the _grbufwr function just define it. I think the adresse to use is
38AC, but you can also just uses the adresse rom 82-ROM (remember the
offset, see ti82.h).

I have noticed that almost all the people who have mentioned this function
are OShell users. In the future could you stop giving this kind of
information unless you have an idea about what you are talking about ?

Oshell supports app. 15 Rom calls which the author chose. Ash supports
almost all calls on page 0, so you can chose your self.



Dines Justesen
Email: or
WWW  :

On Wed, 30 Jul 1997, Andrew Von Dollen wrote:

> I, for one, prefer OShell. I think it is nice being able to see
> descriptions of the programs on your calculator rather than simply
> filenames and blank screen. The fact that the Oshell batch file compiles
> the programs in such a manner that their names are lowercase, so that they
> cannot be executed like normal is also a handy feature.  I enjoy the ease
> in which the GRAPH_MEM may be copied to the LCD with a simple rom call only
> supported by OShell, albeit not quickly, but quite size-efficiently.  The
> fact that the author of Oshell is quite active writing programs and
> offering assistance, whether here or on IRC, also makes OShell the shell
> that I use and program for, and the shell that I will probably continue to
> use and write programs for.
> 	-Andrew
