Alien Invasion Released by Jason Ho
Posted by Eric on 5 February 2001, 00:36 GMT
So here I was, sitting ay my computer, calmly downloading my mail, when suddenly I see approximately 8973259237583 new email messages in my mailbox touting some new TI-89 game. Alien something-or-other. And so, after firing up the ol' Virtual TI, I saw that this program was, indeed, quite nice. So here it is: Alien Invasion, by heretofore unheralded Jason Ho. Alien Invasion is a shooting game for the TI-89 that's similar to others such as Phoenix. It features animation that runs at up to 70fps and contains the usual assortment of weapons, special items, and upgrades. Mad props to Jason for his accomplishment. Update (Eric): Looks like the new version, v1.1, is out already. This version fixes a bug in the high scores feature of the program. Update (Eric): And now v1.2 is out. Ahh, when will it all end? Update (Eric): And why don't we mention v1.3 while we're at it, and v1.4, and v1.5, and v1.6, and err, nevermind.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Alien Invasion Released by Jason Ho
Jason Ho
(Web Page)
WOW! this game is AWESOME!! WHO is this guy Jason Ho anyway??
- Jason
5 February 2001, 01:37 GMT
Re: Alien Invasion Released by Jason Ho
Ryan Pelletier
89, 89, 89...wheres the 92+'s games?
5 February 2001, 01:40 GMT
Re: Alien Invasion Released by Jason Ho
I'm not disin' you or anything, but this game sucks.I know I didn't make it,but it looks like a rip of Solarstriker and it was a pretty good game.What is up with the up arrow to as shields?Confusing...The only good part is if your shields run out, you don't die like in Phoenix.You can still manage to survive after the shield energy is drained.Congratulations, anyway.
5 February 2001, 02:38 GMT

Re: Re: Alien Invasion Released by Jason Ho
Dan Englender
(Web Page)
Someone once said, "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything." I think that applies exceptionally well to your comment. That's really not necessary, especially for a first program (in C), and especially when the program is good (it is). Of course, you can hold whatever opinion you want. But think before you "dis". ("I'm not disin' you or anything, but this game sucks." That makes about as much sense as "No offense or anything, but you're a dirty slime ball and I really hate you." or "Don't take this personally, but you amount to nothing and never will.")
Anyhow, it's very nice game, I hope Jason keeps up the good work.
5 February 2001, 03:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Alien Invasion Released by Jason Ho
Eric Greening
(Web Page)
Okay, first off, let me say to the ignorant (which you just maybe one of them) that there is a difference between the statement:
"I'm not disin' you or anything, but this game sucks."
and constructive criticism. There are polite ways to say things. That is not one of them (guess I have to discribe every little thing to you). If you want to say that, email it. What you said was barely constructive. You should go into detail on what you think should be changed. Or else, he wouldn't know what to be changed. I've played the game, I like it, I'm going to put it on my calc when I get time (like I'll have time to play it once it's on there...). The reason I don't like calcgenious' post is because he insults the author at the beginning (and the fact that he's an idiot).
"Hey, and Eric, my opinion has a small tidbit of negativity in it. Should I have just emailed it?"
One word, I don't know if I need to say it but, you're an idiot. The reason I say this is because calcgenious insults the author in front of all the people who read this board. That's my main reason I wish he'd email it instead of post it here. Reviews like that will cause a person to not want to download it... Just ponderings apparently from a genious.
Glenn Murphy - A.K.A. Eric Greening
6 February 2001, 04:28 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Alien Invasion Released by Jason Ho
Nathan Haines
(Web Page)
I hate to say it, but you went off on a little tirade against calcgenius. So should your comment have been sent in email? (I'd say it should have been.)
Anyhow, while I do think that calcgenius' comment was in poor taste (or untactful, or however), he is:
a) entitled to his own opinion on the game.
b) more considerate than others who don't even bother to state *why* they don't like a game--just that it "sucks" and shouldn't been written, and the code should be printed, then mulched, and launched into space and then the sectors of the harddrive that contained the code should be magnetically scrambled and melted down back into iron, etc., etc.
The author then thanked calcgenius for his comments, and defended his program design, and was rather tactful about it. Kudos to him. :)
So, I don't see what the big deal is. Calcgenius has his opinion, Jason listened to it and wasn't overly offended (or was very nice about it if he was), and since it's Jason's program, he can make it anyway he likes. So no one else needs to stress over it. It's a non-issue.
I've not seen the program myself yet, but I plan to do so at the weekend or so when I have more time. It sounds like it will be quite interesting!
6 February 2001, 04:40 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Alien Invasion Released by Jason Ho
(Web Page)
First of all, regarding where negative feedback should be sent, I agree with onefastfiveoh. It can be sent via email, but it will then be deleted. Posting it in a public forum allows others to respond to it, instead of just the author. Perhaps someone would rather alert others to an idea instead of sending it to someone who would obviously be unreceptive of the idea. Negative feedback (and positive feedback as well) should be shouted as loudly as possible, so that people might agree with certain aspects or shout down others that they disagree with.
Discussion = Good
(the above one reason I disagree with ticalc telling me to email them negative feedback or deleting my comments; if I post it, I get feedback, if I emailed it, it gets ignored and isn't responded to by ticalc)
About the language of the post, I think that went a little over the top. "This game sucks" could be paraphrased to "I personally am not the biggest fan of this game" or something of the sort. If I were Jason, I would probably take offense to this comment, and with good reason. Constructive feedback is good but negative feedback must be handled with more care. There are always going to be people with a variety of opinions on issues, and I'm sure that somewhere someone hates tetris and/or phoenix and/or bigdyna and/or turbobreakout and/or a good economy and/or world peace and/or free money, etc. People should form feedback so that it might help the author if the author agrees with them, not to insult the author.
And btw, as of yet I am unbiased on the program since I haven't tried it on my TI. Given the general good reviews, though, I probably will try it, and probably will be pleased with it.
6 February 2001, 07:01 GMT
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