We're hiring!
Posted by Travis on 30 January 2011, 18:00 GMT
We're looking to fill a vacancy in the position of primary news
editor—featuring programs and writing and posting news. You could be
one of the people we're looking for.
The main thing required is time. News editing can be surprisingly
time-consuming: talking to people, reading sites, testing out
programs, writing and proofreading, and so on. A good familiarity of
the current TI calculator scene is naturally also needed so you'll
know how and where to find news to post. You'll also need to be
reasonably fluent in the written English language, as English is the
only language we use on our site.
We're also looking for a long-term commitment as well as high
availability. You all know what our users think when there are weeks
without updates. If you can work so many hours a day now, but expect
not to be able to keep that up for more than a couple of months, this
is not what we want. Expect it to be quite time-consuming, but
certainly rewarding.
Finally, if you can increase the staff's demographical diversity,
that's a plus, but not a requirement. We encourage people, both male
and female, from all countries to apply.
If you're interested, contact us at newstaff@ticalc.org. Please
include the following information:
- Full name
- Email address
- Preferred IM screen name and protocol (AIM, MSN, Jabber/Facebook,
- Age
- Current level of education (finished or unfinished)
- Where you live (town/state/country)
- Approximate amount of time you think you can contribute per week
- Which calculators you have experience with or access to
- A quick explanation of why we should pick you
Also, based on previous experience, it's worth mentioning that this
is not a paid job.
Applications are due by 18:00 GMT on Sunday, February 13, 2011.
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The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: We're hiring!
Kevin Ouellet
(Web Page)
One thing that might be good to reduce the task of the news editor is to maybe do something like Slashdot and allow user-submitted content, but then review it for grammar/spelling quality control (either correct the few mistakes or reject the news if it's too bad). The staff would still decide what is newsworthy, but this would save them a lot of time. While submitting a news the user could also upload a screenshot which is for example under 20 KB in size and a maximum of 10 frames per second if animated.
That way, while ticalc.org news wouldn't necessarily be your very own stuff, it would save a lot of time and effort from writing articles on your own and when there are several releases in a month, like last September, notable releases wouldn't take a month to get featured anymore. (I remember sending an e-mail to suggest features before, but if the news editors have to rewrite everything from scratch, in addition to do file archiving and dealing with real life, this doesn't help that much)
Unfortunately I am not too sure if I could apply, though, since I am still not that great in English, grammatically-wise.
Reply to this comment
31 January 2011, 00:42 GMT

Re: Re: We're hiring!
(Web Page)
While I agree that there are many programs (and new concepts and hardware, for that matter ;) ) that have not been announced on ticalc.org because of the time necessary for news editors to write and copy-edit articles, I'll take the counterpoint and say that I don't think user-submitted content is a good idea. I think the news would then shy too close towards being a popularity contest, where whoever had the free time or resources to submit more articles, articles with more users voting for it (if you're suggesting voting), etc would have an advantage. One of the great things about ticalc.org is that the staff and editors are "impartial", so to speak; although ticalc.org is the unchallenged hub of the community, they are not of themselves one of the factions of the community. They house no ASM coding groups, no BASIC coding groups; no z80 or 68k groups. They don't favor any one language or calculator or platform (other than TI calculators, obviously), and I think that distinction is important.
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31 January 2011, 01:11 GMT
Re: We're hiring!
Stefan Bauwens
I would like to apply, but I'm afraid I'm too unexperienced and have too little time. But I think I know THE exact solution you guys are looking for.(Click the link)
Reply to this comment
1 February 2011, 14:25 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: We're hiring!
Rickrolling is a fine thing to do, but realize that ticalc.org is a serious place to discuss calc programming, or at least in the more serious topics. This is probably the most serious topic of 2011 so far, so it's not a good idea to rickroll here. I'm fine with it, though here's my advice -- only rickroll in fake news, or on a randomness section of a forums site like omnimaga, cemetech, UTI, TIBD, etc. because rickrolling in a serious topic is considered immature ;)
Reply to this comment
7 February 2011, 17:49 GMT
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