ticalc.org Celebrates Ten Year Anniversary
Posted by Michael on 21 June 2006, 00:35 GMT
On June 21, 1996, ticalc.org was unveiled to the public. That was exactly ten years ago, and now on June 21, 2006, we are pleased and amazed to celebrate ten years of operation! It is astonishing to imagine that this site could exist for an entire decade. It is only with the fantastic support of our visitors, the many programmers, TI calculator users, students, and teachers worldwide that our continued existence is possible. Without your support, we would have never reached this amazing milestone. Also, we must remember all of our current and past staff who have worked so hard and diligently to create and maintain ticalc.org over the years.
Special thanks also goes to Texas Instruments. Without the creation and continued development of their graphing calculator products, this website would not be possible.
We look forward to another decade of serving the TI calculator community and hope that it is as fantastic and enriching as this past one has been!
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The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: ticalc.org Celebrates Ten Year Anniversary
10 years is really stable on the web, its quite an accomplishment! ...Imagine, in 10 years we could come back and this site could still be here. I'd like to thank the staff and community for the good work! Without ticalc.org, I might have to find a new homepage, and be BORED online!!! *gasps, heart attack*
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21 June 2006, 00:40 GMT
Re: ticalc.org Celebrates Ten Year Anniversary
Matthew Baron
ticalc.org has inspired many calculator programmers
and is a wonderful gathering for all who enjoy learning and thinking about programming.
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21 June 2006, 01:01 GMT
Re: ticalc.org Celebrates Ten Year Anniversary
Andy Janata
(Web Page)
It seems to me a lot of the people that were quite active here even just a few years ago have gone away... For example, this is the ~4th post but the first by someone with a user ID < 50,000 (news article itself exluded).
I for one am interested in rough statistics of the age of the accounts that do the most posting (or even lurking, if you can do that). I think it would be pretty interesting to look at.
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21 June 2006, 01:33 GMT

Re: Re: ticalc.org Celebrates Ten Year Anniversary
(Web Page)
Wow, am I really that much of an old-timer (user ID of around 12000)? I can't remember quite when I joined; I think it was about 6 years ago or so. I got my TI-86 for my 13th birthday on 9/9/99.
Since then, the character of the community, IMHO, has changed drastically. It used to be there was a small core group of programmers who did most of the amazing things, and then assorted other people who wrote Ax+B equation solvers. Now, that core group seems to have mostly moved on and not been replaced, and there's a lot more casual interest in TI's. Then again, I haven't been very active in a couple of years, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
What really drove me away was all the flame wars in the 68k community -- the _nostub programmers vs. the kernel programmers. It just kept getting worse, and I finally decided I had better things to do than hear the same flames posted and reposted incessantly.
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24 June 2006, 21:08 GMT
Re: ticalc.org Celebrates Ten Year Anniversary
...lets recant on all the ticalc traditions...
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21 June 2006, 01:41 GMT
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