Ztetris v1.1
Ranked as 33 on our all-time top downloads list with 154149 downloads. Ranked as 525 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 20 downloads. Ranked as 67 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.69.
Review by
Alex McKinney
Reviewed on
Attention span: 7/10 About 20-30 mins. Varies. Controls: 8/10 2nd and Alpha to rotate is odd. Implementation: 9/10 Menus and the game are very clean. Overall: 9/10 Great single player. OK Multi.
ZTetris 1.1 is definitely the best Tetris currently out for TI-83/TI-83 Plus. If you are not familiar with the game Tetris, don't bother reading this or playing any games on your calculator. If you don't know what Tetris is, you are clearly not a gamer.
I will just give a brief description of how the game works. You control blocks of different shapes and sizes in a rectangular screen. Your goal is to clear lines on it that are created by putting blocks down. To clear a line, you must completely fill it up. Very straightforward.
This game has great features; namely the multiplayer portion of this game. This allows you to play the normal game, but with a bar on the right side of the screen showing how far up their highest block is so you can tell who is winning. After playing this with a friend, we were disappointed that you could not see the other person's screen. This would be a good improvement to the game; if only there were a way. The screen is so small, so this would be nearly impossible. The game still is fun, though multiplayer is missing the actual "multiplayer element". It feels like you are playing single player.
This game is fine for Tetris fanatics, but anyone looking for a good multiplayer experience, look elsewhere. |
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Archive Contents
link83.h | 2089 |
Linkrout.h | 2905 |
ZTETRIS.83P | 3390 |
ztetris.8xp | 3392 |
ZTETRIS.TXT | 9474 |
ztetris.z80 | 29545 |