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Ti-Explorer v0.92 Beta


Ranked as 858 on our all-time top downloads list with 18712 downloads.
Ranked as 6816 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename explorer.zip (Download)
Title Ti-Explorer v0.92 Beta
Description A GUI/Shell for the TI83, which runs AShell, SOS and ION programs
Author Sebastiaan Roodenburg (Sebastiaan@rimsystems.nl)
Category TI-83 Assembly Shells
File Size 7,838 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Oct 25 22:07:28 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Kerm Martian
Reviewed on 2004-06-24
I have noticed this shell before, and I finally tried it because I was interested in the tools it claimed to have. Upon testing I found that “Ti-Explorer” was a very well made shell, and was mostly functional and very useful despite its beta status. All of the features seemed to work except for the “Links” folder; associated programs were seamless and “Ion” support seemed stable.

Ease of Use: 8/10 - The folder change is a bit counter-intuitive
Graphics: 9/10 - Very nice looking
Size: 7/10 - Not bad!
Overall: 8/10 - Good job.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Explorer.txt   7121
Picture.83p   830
PICVIEW.83P   143
picview.asm   1606
XBattery.83p   195
XMemory.83p   141
ZExplo.83p   1789
ZExploL.83p   339
ZIONLIB.83P   460
EXPFTT.83P   1098

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