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Vertigo v0.94


Ranked as 3569 on our all-time top downloads list with 8260 downloads.
Ranked as 6487 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename vert85.zip (Download)
Title Vertigo v0.94
Description A game of skill for the TI-82, TI-83, TI-85, and TI-86 calculators. Guide your ball to the gem stone on each of the 50 levels. The levels are displayed from an isometric 3D view, and are shown in grayscale on the TI-85 and TI-86. Also features an on-calc level editor.
Author Matthew Shepcar (ti@moocow37.plus.com)
Category TI-85 Assembly Games (ZShell)
File Size 77,053 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Sep 12 16:16:15 1998
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Kirk Meyer
Reviewed on 2004-11-02
Attention span: 8/10 I get frustrated by not being able to see well.
Controls: 10/10 You can change them to whatever you want.
Implementation: 10/10 An absolutely great all-around job.
Overall: 9/10 This is a game I would play when I'm bored.

In Vertigo, you are a ball (a marble maybe?) and you must make your way around on a 3-D grid. Unless you move the marble, the marble will go with the flow of the landscape. If the marble falls off, you get to try the level again. The object is to reach the gem in each level, and thus proceed to the next level. The game allows two different modes of play: practice mode, with unlimited lives, and challenge mode, where you have a limited number of lives to complete all of the levels in the set. This game comes for the 82, 83, 85, and 86, with grayscale on the 85 and 86. Since the author, Matt Shepcar, fixed the acceleration issue, I can't really find much that's wrong with the game. My one complaint is that, even with grayscale, you still can't see well enough to control the marble properly. Other than that, it seems pretty good. I haven't actually tested the 82, 83, and 85 versions so there may be a bug I'm not aware of.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
VERT&ED.85S   8169
VERTIGO.85S   5981
VWLD2.85S   1605
VWLD4.85S   1593
VWLD5.85S   1507
VWLD3.85S   1635
VWLD1.85S   1636
VERTIGO.ASM   122034

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